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Track Registration API

Here's a simple dummy example for track registration:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using BaboonAPI.Hooks.Tracks;
using BepInEx;
using UnityEngine;

namespace Chimpanzee
    [BepInPlugin("ch.offbeatwit.chimpanzee", "Chimpanzee", "")]
    public class ChimpanzeePlugin : BaseUnityPlugin
        private void Awake()
            // Register a listener for the track registration event
            TrackRegistrationEvent.EVENT.Register(new ChimpanzeeTrackCallback());

    public class ChimpanzeeTrackCallback : TrackRegistrationEvent.Listener
        public IEnumerable<TromboneTrack> OnRegisterTracks()
            // Load and return your tracks here.
            yield return new ChimpTrack("chimps", "Chimps Forever", "Chimps", "2022", "Me", "A cool track!",
                "Weirdcore", 2, 120, 140);

    public class ChimpTrack : TromboneTrack
        public ChimpTrack(string trackref, string tracknameLong, string tracknameShort, string year, string artist,
            string desc, string genre, int difficulty, int tempo, int length)
            this.trackref = trackref;
            trackname_long = tracknameLong;
            trackname_short = tracknameShort;
            this.year = year;
            this.artist = artist;
            this.desc = desc;
            this.genre = genre;
            this.difficulty = difficulty;
            this.tempo = tempo;
            this.length = length;

        public LoadedTromboneTrack LoadTrack()
            var bundle = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile("MyCoolBundle");
            return new LoadedChimpTrack(trackref, bundle);
        public SavedLevel LoadChart()
            // Load the actual chart data
            return new SavedLevel();

        public bool IsVisible()
            return true;

        public string trackref { get; }
        public string trackname_long { get; }
        public string trackname_short { get; }
        public string year { get; }
        public string artist { get; }
        public string desc { get; }
        public string genre { get; }
        public int difficulty { get; }
        public int tempo { get; }
        public int length { get; }

    public class LoadedChimpTrack : LoadedTromboneTrack
        private readonly AssetBundle _assetBundle;

        public LoadedChimpTrack(string trackref, AssetBundle assetBundle)
            this.trackref = trackref;
            _assetBundle = assetBundle;

        public void Dispose()
            // Clean up any bundles you loaded, etc.

        public AudioSource LoadAudio()
            // Load an audio source from somewhere!
            var obj = _assetBundle.LoadAsset<GameObject>($"music_{trackref}");
            return obj.GetComponent<AudioSource>();

        public GameObject LoadBackground(BackgroundContext ctx)
            // Load or create a background GameObject
            return _assetBundle.LoadAsset<GameObject>($"BGCam_{trackref}");

        public string trackref { get; }

Type something to start searching.